Monday, November 17, 2008

Our Family Pictures

Here are the newest pictures. I think they turned out pretty good. Garrett and Katelyn look so big. It is amazing how quick time is flying by.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Here are the two silly kids on Halloween. Garrett was Obi One and Katelyn was a little Angel. They had so much fun going out to trick or treat. Katelyn was having a blast running up to the houses as fast as she could and saying treat or treat and getting a candy then saying Thank you and running to the next house. Garrett on the other hand was being shy. He would walk slowly up to the doors and wouldn't say trick or treat. We were only out for about 1 hour then came home and watched a movie and handed out candy.

The Pumpkin Patch

So we went to the pumpkin patch for something to do and here are a couple pictures of the kids. They love that everywhere we go I will usually take my camera and make them take a few pictures together. Just look at the expressions on their cute little faces. Can't you tell they love pictures!Now sitting on the pumpkins and looking pretty studly was fun.
And what about little Miss Cutie Pie.
Once he got a hold of his pumpkin, he carried it all the way to the car.
And Katelyn's was just the right size. She said it was the perfect pumpkin.
We had such a fun and fast time at the pumpkin patch this year.