Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Well the tooth fairy did show up. She left him $2.00. I guess that is pretty good for not having a tooth to take.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Funny Story about Garrett

So I have a funny story about Garrett. Tonight when I was brushing his teeth, (he has had a lose tooth for a couple months) I told him that I wanted to look at it. So I pulled on it a little bit and he said that hurt and tried to walk away. Then James walked by the bathroom so I told him to have Garrett show him his tooth. Well Garrett refused.
James tried talking to Garrett about it and said he just wanted to look at it and see how lose it was. So James told Garrett that he was going to pull on it a little bit to see where it was hanging on from and told him that if it hurts Garrett could kick James in the leg. So Garrett said Ok. So then James barley pushed on the bottom of his lip (no even touching his tooth) and Garrett swung his body around and hit his head on the door jam in the bathroom (not hard at all) and got this freaked out look on face. So then he spits and out fell his tooth. It was so funny. The look on his face was priceless. Then he saw the blood from his tooth and started freaking out (Garrett doesn't like blood). So I picked up his tooth and was going to wash it off and then it fell down the drain. So now we will see if the tooth fairy shows up without a tooth. (Don't worry, she will.)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Sisters

Here is the latest picture of the Harris girls. We took a picture last year but Adam and Cassie were out of town. So we had to do another one this year and have her in it.

Garrett's New Look!

So Garrett decided on Easter that he wanted to cut his hair. I said that it would be too hot for the summer so he wanted me to cut half of the length off.

The before picture...The after picture...
I accidentally cut off more than what he wanted. But he was okay with it and he looks really handsome.

p.s. That is his new webkin that he got on Easter and just had to have his picture taken with it.

Friday, April 10, 2009


So we took Garrett and Katelyn to Leatherby's tonight because Garrett got 100% on his last 8 spelling tests. So Garrett wanted to get a really big ice cream sundae and that is what he got.Katelyn wanted something with strawberries and so she got a sundae.
They both said it was the best ice cream they have ever had. We had a great time and hopefully if Garrett and Katelyn keep doing great in school maybe we can keep doing all this fun stuff.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day!

Here is what I made for my kids today for April Fools. Do you think they will eat this for dinner?Spaghetti and Meatballs
Chicken Dinner - 3 chicken legs, mashed potatoes, carrots and peas and of course a cupcake for dessert.

p.s. They are all cupcakes if you couldn't tell.