Sunday, May 24, 2009

Last Day of Preschool

So Thursday was Katelyn's last day of Preschool. Katelyn wanted a picture with her wonderful teacher Mrs. Mitchell. She had such a great time in preschool and we are really going to miss it. She is going to miss all her friends and her teacher. Thank you Mrs. Mitchell for such a great year. Katelyn sure loved Smarty Pants.

Fun Day Golfing!

We went to Mulligans with Susie, Afton and Erin on Thursday after preschool. We wanted to get one more fun activity in before Garrett goes back on track on Tuesday. They had so much fun golfing and it was really funny watching them try to golf. On the 2nd hole I was helping Garrett hold the club right and showing him how to swing and before I could move out of the way he swung and hit me right on the side of the head. It hurt so bad. After that, I made sure I was out of his way. They all had a great time and can't wait until we do it again.

VIP Day's at School

Garrett and Katelyn both had their VIP day's at school with in a week of each other. So we were busy trying to make their posters for school. Garrett only wanted pictures from the past year so we went through and found some cute and fun pictures of him. His teacher commented on how many different hair styles he had in a year. But he couldn't decide which way he wanted his hair. Today it is short and some day's we spike it other day's it lays flat. I love you dude.

Katelyn wanted pictures from when she was a baby until now. So that was tough finding the right pictures because there are so many to chose from. (Yes, I am a mother who takes alot of pictures). I love you bigs.

My baby girl turned 5!

I can't believe my baby is already 5 years old. I'm so amazed on how fast she is growing up. It doesn't seem that long ago since she was born and we were going through the colic stage, acid reflux, up all night and the rocking in the chair. Now to rock in the chair rarely happens and I miss that. But it is going to be so much fun seeing her go to school with her big brother. Yes, it will be sad for the first little while, but it will be good for her. She gets really bored during the day when Garrett is at school. Here are some pictures that we took for her birthday cards.
Happy Birthday Baby Girl. I love you!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What a fun day!

Here is a picture of me and my loving sister Amy. We did the Race for the Cure walk on Saturday. It was so much fun and so amazing to see so many people walking downtown. It said on the news that there were 18,000 people (minus Shelly my neighbor who got sick and couldn't walk with us.) There were all ages of people walking too. Some young kids and some really old ladies with their walkers. It was so neat to see so many people walking for such a great cause. And it went by really fast. We did a 5k walk in less than 1 hour. Thanks Amy for doing this with me. I can't wait to do it again next year.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Katelyn's Preschool Picture

This is Katelyn's cute picture from Smarty Pants Preschool. She has loved preschool and she has the best teacher. I can't believe that the preschool year is almost over. Thank you Mrs. Mitchell for such a fun year.