Monday, February 22, 2010

Our New Family Member!

We have a new addition to our family. This is Ziva. She is a Goldendoodle puppy. She is 9 weeks old and she has alot of energy. We got her last Saturday (Happy Birthday to me) and she has done very well getting use to her new environment. The first day home she didn't eat or drink all day. But by Sunday morning she was eating and full of energy. She has been sleeping great and doing well at potty training. She loves being outside and she has figured out that if she pees in the house she will get outside. So she will go into the living room and pee just a little bit so then we put her outside. They bad thing is is that we can't leave her out there alone because she could get under our gate. So we have to be out there with her watching her and it has been to cold.

She loves playing with Garrett and Katelyn but there are some days where they kids are afraid of her because she is a puppy and likes to nip at them. Especially in the mornings. The funny thing that we noticed was that when we ask them to play with her they don't want to but when she is trying to take a nap that is when the kids want to play.

Granny and Grandpa have a Labradoodle named Sadie. So we were curious to see how the two would play together and let me tell you it is the funniest thing you've ever seen. Sadie is AFRAID of Ziva. If Ziva gets close to Sadie, Sadie will tuck her tail between her legs and take off running. Sadie Does NOT like Ziva. But I'm sure over time they we become GREAT friends.

But I would have to say my one complaint about having a puppy is that everyone says a puppy is like having a baby... I would disagree. I think a puppy is more like having a toddler that you are potty training. You have to watch there every move and wonder where they are every second of the day.

The lady we got the puppy from was feeding them a dog food that she bought from Sam's Club. And it wasn't a puppy food so we went to Costco and bought the Kirkland brand of puppy food and we were feeding her that for the past week. We would leave her bowl out all day so she could eat a little here and a little there. She was eating the food but she wasn't eating very much. Saturday we went over to Granny and Grandpa's and we didn't take any food over so the gave her a scoop of Sadie's food because she was hungry and she scarfed her food so fast. So Granny went to Petsmart to buy her new puppy food and she has been eating this food so much better. But we felt bad because she was probably starving all week because she didn't like the other puppy food.

The lessons we will learn. But for now she is a fun, loving and energetic puppy.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Another Year Older!

Well I'm another year OLDER.
Does that mean I'm a little more WISER than I was last week?