Friday, June 25, 2010

Good Job Grandpa Ed!

Good job Grandpa Ed for getting the 2010 WVC Clean & Beautiful Yard award.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I took Ziva in yesterday to get a bath and a haircut. The bath was great... She really needed one. But the haircut... Not such a great idea. She looks so funny now. Before she was pretty raggedy looking but now she looks like a totally different dog. Her fur was a apricot color underneath and her tips were white. So now that they cut her she has no more white tips and now her body is apricot and her face and feet are white. In a couple weeks she might look descent again.

I had to make a cake for one of my friends for her boyfriends Birthday. I made her this Utah cake and had it in the fridge. I took it out 1 hour before she was coming to pick it up so it could thaw out a little so it wouldn't slide off the foil. I went outside for about 5 minutes and when I came back inside, Ziva had her front paws up on the counter. So I yelled at her to get down not realizing yet was she was doing. I looked at the cake and this is what I saw...

She licked the frosting off the cake!

You could see teeth marks on it and I'm sure she just started right before I came in. So I called my friend crying because her cake was ruined. She laughed and said it was okay but I didn't even think my dog would do that. Dang Dog!