Tuesday, February 15, 2011

School and Parties

So Garrett's teacher told me today that I can no longer help with school parties. They haven't ended well for me this year. On Halloween I was suppose to help during their school carnival and that morning Katelyn passed out because I was crimping her hair and needed a staple put in the back of her head. Then yesterday I was suppose to help in Garrett's class for his Valentine's party and he needed stitches. I know they were kidding but I might have to take that into consideration.

Garrett's class loved their party. I made 8 in. signs that they got to paint and put vinyl on them so they could give it to their parents. Then they made I-pods and had donuts and passed out Valentines. Garrett's teacher said it was a great party.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Garrett's first set of stitches!

I got a call from school around 12:30 saying Garrett was out at recess and ran into a pole and looks like he needs stitches. So I said I would be right there. I called James and gave him a heads up and told him I would call him back once I see what Garrett looks like. I walked into school and he was laying on a bed in the sick room with a ice pack on his forehead. I said "Bud let me see" and trying not to have a shocked "Oh Crap" look on my face I said I needed to call Dad to see where he could meet us. I called James and he said he would meet us at the Urgent Care. So we got in the car and was on our way. Garrett keep taking the ice pack off his head because it was to cold and every time I looked at his head I thought "Oh Man". We pulled into the Urgent care parking lot the same time James did so I got out of the car and told him it was bad. He got Garrett out of the car and said let me see. He looked at it and said "nice battle wound" we went inside and I told the receptionist that he needs stitches and she said she would have to look and see. So he moved the ice pack and she said "Yes he does". She went and got some numbing gel to put on his head and we had to wait about 45 minutes because since he didn't lose consciousness it was critical. But at least it gave the gel time to work. When they took us back the nurse put him on a table and James went over to hold his hand. I asked James if he needed a chair. (because back when I was having Katelyn he almost passed out when they were giving me my epidural) so I pulled up the chair for him so he could hold Garrett's hand. I pulled up the other chair on the other side for me and when the doctor came in and started giving him the shots I got sick and thought I was going to pass out or throw up. So I had to sit down. Stitches are not my thing. But he was a trooper. He did a great job.

We asked him how it happened and he said a kid was chasing him at school and he was looking over his shoulder and when he looked back the cement pole was right there. At first he thought it was his nose bleeding and when he realized it wasn't he walked over the playground aid and she took him down to the office. The secretary said she was amazed because he didn't cry once. But with them putting ice on his head right away it help so he didn't have a massive goose egg on his forehead. Hopefully we won't be having anymore incidents like this because Momma was scared...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hula Hoopen Princess

Katelyn is quite the Hula Hooper. She can keep it going without moving her hips very fast. She can make her hula hoop go slow then speed it up to be really fast. She can also start letting it fall then move her little hips and bring it back up. It's amazing...