Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mirror Lake

We usually go up to Mirror Lake once a year and just walk around the lake then come back home. It's kind of a long drive but it is fun. Usually we get there and it never fails that here comes the dark clouds. It didn't rain on us this year but we were prepared with jackets this time. Last year when we went up there, it was raining and cold and we didn't have jackets for the kids so Granny (James' mom) had to cut up a blanket and make ponchos. But these are a couple of pictures that I got of the kids.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Twirly Skirt

So I made this cute skirt for Katelyn. My friend Jenn told me about them so I made one and it was pretty easy and turned out pretty cute.

Thanksgiving Point

So we went to Thanksgiving Point with our friends The Loves on Tuesday. It was fun to get out and go but we went on $2.00 Tuesday. Not a good idea. I would much rather pay full price to go instead of the deal. There were so many people that it was just a joke.
This is Garrett, Katelyn, Max and Banks.

Garrett Swinging

So the mean mom that I am, I looked in the backyard and there was Garrett swinging and just enjoying the piece and quite. So I got my camera and turned on the sprinklers and ran out back, had my camera ready so when the sprinklers turned on I heard.... MOM! TURN THEM OFF! (I got a good laugh!)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Magoon (as Katelyn calls it)

So we went to Lagoon on Sunday for the first time with our kids. It was alot of fun but we went on Rattlesnake Rapids and got soaked. I mean drenched. We were wet for most of the day.
Katelyn had water dripping off her clothes she got so wet. We took her into the bathroom and put her head under those hand dryers to try to dry her hair a little and then I took off her shirt and did the same thing. It got a little dry but she was so cold.
Garrett got pretty wet too. But not as wet as Katelyn. He thought it was so much fun they went on it 3 times that day. Twice in a row and then another time later. But when we went back we waited in line about 30 minutes.
This is what I usually look like so there are not alot of pictures with me in them. Because if I wasn't doing this, my kids would not have any pictures.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jumpin Jacks

So there is a fun new place that opened up by our house called Jumpin Jacks. It is a playland for the kids that has about 6 big inflatable slides and things. So we went with Afton and Erin and had alot of fun.

Getting good pictures were hard because they (the kids) were moving to fast... Going down the slides they were so fast that they came out really blurry. But we had alot of fun and I'm sure we will have to visit often. They used alot of energy...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Silly kids

These are how our pictures usually turn out...
Cute and loving... Then

Someone is always doing something goofy...

First day of Preschool!

So today was Katelyn's first day of Preschool. She was so excited to go she woke up at 6:30 a.m and wanted to get dressed and go. But school didn't start until 9:00. When we got to school she went right in and hung up her backpack and was ready to get started. She had so much fun.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Where's Katelyn?

Last night when we put Katelyn to bed she keep crying but we didn't go in her room. So when we did, this is where we found her... (I know it is hard to see her because her room is so clean)

First day of School!

This is Garrett on his first day of First Grade. He was very nervous starting school but he did very well. He does not have any friends in his class but he will make some in no time.

My Family

This is the latest picture of our family. It was taken up at Susie's parents cabin a couple weeks ago.