Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Magoon (as Katelyn calls it)

So we went to Lagoon on Sunday for the first time with our kids. It was alot of fun but we went on Rattlesnake Rapids and got soaked. I mean drenched. We were wet for most of the day.
Katelyn had water dripping off her clothes she got so wet. We took her into the bathroom and put her head under those hand dryers to try to dry her hair a little and then I took off her shirt and did the same thing. It got a little dry but she was so cold.
Garrett got pretty wet too. But not as wet as Katelyn. He thought it was so much fun they went on it 3 times that day. Twice in a row and then another time later. But when we went back we waited in line about 30 minutes.
This is what I usually look like so there are not alot of pictures with me in them. Because if I wasn't doing this, my kids would not have any pictures.

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