Thursday, January 22, 2009

Garrett turned 7

I can't believe that Garrett is already 7 years old. I asked James if he felt bad knowing that Garrett was turning 7 and he said No. Then he asked if it made me sad. And I am. Not because he is getting older but I realized that he isn't a little boy anymore. He is more independent and wants to do more things by himself. But seeing him grow has been alot of fun. Happy Birthday Buddy!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Garrett lost his tooth!

So Garrett finally lost his first tooth. It started getting loose in October but he didn't like to play with it so it took 3 months to fall out. In the meantime his permanent tooth has already started coming in.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Growing out the hair!

So Garrett has been growing out his hair and let me tell you it has been a really hard thing for me. His hair is to the point that it doesn't want to slick back or spike up. He want to wear his hair just combed forward and I think it looks silly. But I asked him why he wanted to grow his hair out and he said it was because he wanted the things that dad has (side burns). I told him that would happen for a while but he wants to grow his hair out anyways. This top picture was taken in August and he probably had one more haircut in September and that's it.This was the end of October.
And this is the end of December.
And still going.

Way to go Utes!

How about those UTES. That game was so awesome. We are glad to see that our Utah Utes are the #1 college team in the United States. Way to go!


So we took the kids sledding for the first time the other day. They had so much fun. We get to the hill and they were so excited they sat on their sleds and James pushed them down the hill. They faces were so funny. When they would go down the hill both of the kids would hold their breath on the way down. We only stayed for about 30 minutes because it was so cold outside and when we told Garrett and Katelyn that it was time to leave, Katelyn was so mad and started throwing a fit. She was just having to much fun she didn't want to leave.

I'm back!

Christmas time is so crazy for me. I make myself so busy every year that finding time to post anything is impossible. I was busy making caramel apples, caramel popcorn and pretzels. So now that Christmas is over hopefully I can get back into blogging, working on scrapbooks. I'm so far behind on my scrapbooking I'm not going to know where to start. Katelyn is 4 1/2 now and I'm only on the first year with her and Garrett is almost 7 (in a couple weeks) and I'm only to about 3 1/2 on him. So I need to get scrappin.