Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Garrett's Climing Higher Award

So Garrett got his first Climbing Higher Award today at school for getting 100% on his last 6 spelling tests. He is doing awesome at spelling. Good job buddy! We are so proud of you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Silly Kids

Every time that I try to take pictures of Garrett and Katelyn this is how they turn out. They don't smile they just pull silly faces.

Some times I can get a cute picture.

Misty and Baby Preston

Here is Misty and her new little guy Preston. He was born on March 16th. He weighed 5.2 lbs and was 18 in. long.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grandpa Dan's Birthday

So I got this fun cupcake cookbook from Granny and so when I saw this I thought it would be fun to make it and take it to Grandpa Dan for his Birthday. It was alot of fun to make and put together and it looked so cute. Then as we were leaving our house to go to Grandpa Dan's I thought I should put some foil over the top of the cake so it didn't get ruined and then I thought NO it will be okay. Well as James was pulling out of the driveway the cupcakes slide and fell right into my lap. Garrett had to run into the house to get me a cookie sheet so we could put the cupcakes on that and then I had to reassemble the cake when we got to Grandpa Dan's house. But it didn't ruined the cupcakes because I had them in the refrigerator so the frosting was still cold and stiff. Happy Birthday Grandpa Dan! We love you!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Here is my Princess!

Some of my friends have asked... What happened to Katelyn? You have just been posting things about Garrett. I'm sorry! I love you too. I just have been taking pictures of Garrett lately. But here are some cute pictures of Katelyn posing. (This is what she does best)

Check out my hair!

Now look how long Garrett's hair is getting.... He thinks it is great.


Yesterday I took the kids bowling since Garrett is off track I thought it would be fun to do something. So I didn't tell them where we were going and when we pulled into the parking lot they were both so excited. So here are some pictures of them having fun. They played 3 games and the first game Garrett won so he was thrilled but then the second game Katelyn won by 15 points. (Garrett wasn't so happy) Then the last game Garrett won by one point. But it was funny because Garrett said real bowling isn't as easy as playing bowling on the WII.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our Field Trip

So we went to the pet store last Thursday for Katelyn's field trip for Preschool. Garrett and Katelyn had so much fun because they had a few new puppies. They had a really cute Golden Retriever puppy that looked so cuddly and soft. But here they are holding a cute little Yorkie puppy.
Thanks Mrs. Mitchell for the fun field trip. They really like seeing all the fun animals. Like the birds, snakes, turtles, fish and of course the cute dogs.