Monday, June 29, 2009

Our Father's Day Tradition!

So for the past 7 years the kids and I have went out and had our pictures taken together to give to James for Father's Day. It is always so much fun. I started this when Garrett was just 1 1/2 years old. The first couple years we would hide the pictures from James and give them to him on Father's Day. Now because we have done it for so long it is just something we do. So he usually see's them as soon as I get them back. It is also fun seeing how much the kids have changed over the years.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

New Pictures

Here are the newest picture I had done of the kids. My neighbor took our pictures and I think she did an amazing job. When she first showed up she said she would walk around with the kids and take some pictures of them so they could warm up to her. But the kids are so great about getting pictures taken (probably because I take some all the time) we were done in 30 minutes. But I am so happy on how they pictures turned out. It makes me sad though to see how big they are getting. Time is flying by so fast.

Baby Birds!

Well it sounds and looks like the baby robin's have hatched. I got on the ladder and tried to take some pictures of the little baby birds but the mommy bird didn't like that so much and she was trying to knock me off the ladder. So this is all I could get.
And it actually looks like there are 2 birds and not just 1. So mommy bird laid another egg after I took the first picture.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How funny is this?

When we were at Lagoon Granny wanted us to get this cowboy picture taken because they did it back when James and Josh were young and wanted a new one to add to her cowboy bathroom collection. After we go home Debbie was looking at the picture and thought that Garrett looked alot like James when he was that age so we grabbed both pictures to compare. (There was a resemblance of course because Garrett does look like his dad) but if you look at these two pictures there is a tin box by Garrett's feet and also one in the other picture in front of James. They are the same tins. We thought it was so funny to know that these two pictures are about 25 years apart and they still had the same tin. And the family of 4 turned into a family of 10.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Katelyn's Preschool Graduation

Here are a couple pictures from Katelyn's preschool graduation. It was on May 27th (and I'm just now getting around to post these pictures). She had so much fun during there program. Each kid had a cute little part to say and they sang songs and we watched a slide show that the teacher made about the school year. This is when she got to get her cute little preschool diploma. We are sure going to miss preschool.
Kindergarten... Here we come.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Robin Nest!

We noticed a cute little robin the other day picking up twigs and dry grass out of our lawn and going over to our maple tree. The next day you could see a cute nest in the tree. After a couple days of the nest being in the tree, I climbed up on a ladder and stuck my camera in the tree and this is what I got. A cute little nest with a robin egg in it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Our Fun Lagoon Day!

So we went to Lagoon today with the Konopka clan. It was so much fun. Katelyn was so excited because she was tall enough this year to go on alot of big rides. The first ride we went on was The Bat and she loved it. She needed to be 42 inches tall and she was about 42 1/2. So she was just barley tall enough. This little girl is fearless...
Here is our fun family picture. We don't get these taken together very often because I'm usually the one taking the pictures.

Here is Garrett and Katelyn after they got off The Bat for the first time. They loved it.

Here they are after they got off Rattle Snake Rapids. Garrett and Erin was drenched. Afton was a little wet and Katelyn wasn't to bad because she wore a poncho.

Here they are on Rattle Snake Rapids. Granny and I didn't go on it this year because we didn't want to be drenched. So we watched and took pictures.

James told Garrett and Katelyn to go on the Log Fume. He told them that it was just a slow ride that you get to sit in a log. So they went on it and Garrett said it was okay until they saw the big hill they had to climb. Then he got a little scared.

Then they went down and he had a good time. The guy who was letting them on the ride said that if you lean forward when you are going down the slide you wouldn't get to wet... He was joking because they were soaked.

This is Garrett on the big swings. He wasn't quite sure of this ride because it went over the water. But he enjoyed it and wanted to go again after we got off.

This is Katelyn on the new dragon ride. She laughed and laughed so hard on this ride. It was so cute listening to her.

We had so much fun at Lagoon and can't wait to go again.