Sunday, June 7, 2009

Our Fun Lagoon Day!

So we went to Lagoon today with the Konopka clan. It was so much fun. Katelyn was so excited because she was tall enough this year to go on alot of big rides. The first ride we went on was The Bat and she loved it. She needed to be 42 inches tall and she was about 42 1/2. So she was just barley tall enough. This little girl is fearless...
Here is our fun family picture. We don't get these taken together very often because I'm usually the one taking the pictures.

Here is Garrett and Katelyn after they got off The Bat for the first time. They loved it.

Here they are after they got off Rattle Snake Rapids. Garrett and Erin was drenched. Afton was a little wet and Katelyn wasn't to bad because she wore a poncho.

Here they are on Rattle Snake Rapids. Granny and I didn't go on it this year because we didn't want to be drenched. So we watched and took pictures.

James told Garrett and Katelyn to go on the Log Fume. He told them that it was just a slow ride that you get to sit in a log. So they went on it and Garrett said it was okay until they saw the big hill they had to climb. Then he got a little scared.

Then they went down and he had a good time. The guy who was letting them on the ride said that if you lean forward when you are going down the slide you wouldn't get to wet... He was joking because they were soaked.

This is Garrett on the big swings. He wasn't quite sure of this ride because it went over the water. But he enjoyed it and wanted to go again after we got off.

This is Katelyn on the new dragon ride. She laughed and laughed so hard on this ride. It was so cute listening to her.

We had so much fun at Lagoon and can't wait to go again.

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