Sunday, July 26, 2009

A day at the Museum

We went to the Museum of Natural History on Thursday with some of our friends. I was a little nervous about going because it is a museum and it's usually not my favorite thing to do. Then I thought that the kids wouldn't like it either. But I have to say it was pretty fun. We got there right before story time so we heard 3 stories about frogs, then we got to go over and watch the frogs be fed. The kids even got to help feed some of the frogs. Then we walked around and saw the other exhibits then they got to play in the sand to find fossils. Thanks Jen for the fun day. (This isn't the best picture because I forgot my camera and so I took this with my phone.)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Great Day!

We went to Mirror Lake today and went fishing. We went with Granny and Grandpa Ed and had a wonderful time. Here is my cute little guy wearing his cool sunglasses.

And miss cutie pie and the cutest smile I have ever seen.

Here is Garrett's first fish. He caught the biggest.

Here is Katelyn's second fish. She caught the first one minutes before this one but I didn't get a picture of it because Granny threw it back into the water to fast.

And don't forget about my handsome guy. He caught a couple fish too.

We had such a great time up there. It is always relaxing at the lake because you just get to sit back and enjoy the outdoors.

First Fishing Extravaganza

Granny called on Friday and wanted us to go fishing at this pond over in Murray. The kids had a blast even though they didn't catch any fish. They thought it was fun casting and reeling in their fishing poles over and over because they said they were getting bits. We were there for about 2 hours and they enjoyed every minute.

Chillin with the cousins!

One day after swimming lessons we went to a splash park with Susie and the girls so they could play for a while. They had such a great time and I manage to get a picture of the kids where they are all smiling and looking at the camera. Usually one of them are looking away or not smiling.

Swimming Lessons

Well the kids started swimming lessons last week and they love it. The fun thing about it is that they are in the same class. They sit by each other every day and cheer each other on. After they get done doing something with the teacher they both tell each other how great they did. It is really cute.