Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Katelyn's Climbing Higher Award

Katelyn got her first Climbing Higher Award at school today. She got it because her teacher said she has good manners. Good job Katelyn. We love you!

Crafty Stuff!

I found out how to make these cute car seat tents. I made these for some baby gifts and hopefully they all like them as much as I did. I just wish they had these cute things when my kids were born but of course they didn't. And I'm not going to have another one just to have a car seat tent.

I found a cute tutorial on how to make these cute fabric flowers.

And of course the Utah Utes car seat tent for my friends cute little boy.

I made these Easter Topiary's. I couldn't believe how many jelly beans they took. I went through 3 1/2 bags. But I think they turned out pretty cute.

Need we say more!

I have told Garrett and Katelyn to keep their toys put away so Ziva didn't get a hold of them. And they didn't believe me. We looked out back the other day and she had his football torn up all over the backyard. Garrett was not happy! But hopefully they learned their lessons.

Keep your toys picked up!

Birthday Presents!!!

My best friend Tammy just sent Garrett's Birthday present. She always likes to leave an impression, and being the last to give him a gift is her thing. So it was about 2 months late but he was so excited when he found out it came. And she bought him the perfect gifts... Bakugans.

Check out his face. He was so shocked with this present because he hasn't seen one of these at the stores yet.

But with Katelyn... She got her's 2 months early. She was so excited to get her Mermaid Barbie and wanted to get into the bathtub right away. But the mean mom that I am I made her wait until later that day.

Thanks Tammy for the great gifts. We love you!


We have had Ziva for 5 1/2 weeks now. I bought her this little jacket at Petsmart one day (because it was 75% off) and she liked it the first time we put it on. but the next time we put it on... She just rolled around trying to bit it off.
She has already doubled in size since we brought her home.
And she LOVES being outside.
Isn't she cute?