Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pictures of the kids

Here are some of cute pictures....

Do I need to say more...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Flowers from Daddy!

I was telling James that it would be so fun for Katelyn if he bought her flowers on her Birthday. Of course he said "Whatever." I told him she would think she was on top of the world if she got flowers from him because I always buy them stuff so it would be no big deal if they were from me. So I went to the store and bought her some flowers and keep them in the trunk of my car and called him and told him that they were there and that he needed to bring them in the house when he got home.

So he brought them inside and said

"Isn't it someones Birthday today?"

Katelyn's face lite up. It was so cute. Then she turned around and looked at me and said

"Daddy bought me flowers."

She was so excited and smile the rest of the night. We put them in a vase and she put them on her dresser so she could look at them everyday.
(Wow, Mom's got some great ideas.)

Katelyn turns 6!

I can't believe my baby is now 6 years old. Time has flown by so fast. She is such a sweet girl with a very kind heart. Some days I look at her baby pictures and I sure miss those times where I could just hold her all day but I also really like it now that she is bigger and we can do fun things together. She loves wearing dresses, flowers in her hair and being a girly girl. She loves playing with her dolls, playing with friends (especially Sarah and Savannah), riding her bike or scooter and playing her DS.

(she was so excited that Garrett bought her a tea set for her birthday.)

Happy Birthday Katelyn!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The joys of pictures

I wanted a couple of good pictures... And this is what I got.

They still look cute but my kids are silly and they love making faces in pictures.

Why I hate the rain!

This is my number 1 reason I hate the rain. I hate that my flower beds get all muddy and then Ziva has to play in the mud. The other day it rained and she had mud half way up all 4 legs. So we had to get a bucket of water to wash her off. Plus when it rains and she has to go inside we have to dry her legs off with a towel every time she comes back inside. The joys of having a dog.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's the "Cone of Shame"

Poor Ziva... She got spayed on Monday
and now has to wear the

"Cone of Shame"