Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Flowers from Daddy!

I was telling James that it would be so fun for Katelyn if he bought her flowers on her Birthday. Of course he said "Whatever." I told him she would think she was on top of the world if she got flowers from him because I always buy them stuff so it would be no big deal if they were from me. So I went to the store and bought her some flowers and keep them in the trunk of my car and called him and told him that they were there and that he needed to bring them in the house when he got home.

So he brought them inside and said

"Isn't it someones Birthday today?"

Katelyn's face lite up. It was so cute. Then she turned around and looked at me and said

"Daddy bought me flowers."

She was so excited and smile the rest of the night. We put them in a vase and she put them on her dresser so she could look at them everyday.
(Wow, Mom's got some great ideas.)

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