Monday, July 26, 2010

First day of School

The kids started school at a new school this year. Garrett was up at 6:30 dressed and ready to go. He was so excited but really nervous at the same time. James took the day off so he could go with us to school since he has never done that before and Garrett really liked that his dad was there with him. We thought we would be able to walk him into his classroom but they had to line up outside and then the teachers told them to turn around and say goodbye. But he went into school and did awesome. When we went to pick Garrett up after school he came outside and we asked him how is day was and he said it was GREAT!
(We are off to a great start.)

Katelyn didn't start until Tuesday but Monday we had a meeting with her teacher and she was able to see her classroom and went on a tour of the school with her teacher.
Tuesday she was up a ready for school. She stood in line and walked right into school. I actually was a little sad when she was walking away. Not because she was starting first grade but because she is my baby. And my baby is now gone all day. But she loves school and has had a great time.

I like both of their teachers. They both seem like they are really fun and outgoing. I'm looking forward to a great year. (We need one since our school last year wasn't that great.)

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