Sunday, November 21, 2010

Katelyn's first teeth she lost!

At nights when we put our kids to bed they like playing around and calling us into their rooms 10 times before they fall asleep. The other night, Katelyn said "Mom come here" and I told her "just a minute" because I was busy doing stuff and she yells "I lost a tooth" I went into her room surprised because I knew she didn't have a loose tooth. There she was holding her tooth in her hand. I told her to go into the bathroom and spit because her mouth was full of blood and she did, saw the blood and freaked out. After her mouth stopped bleeding I asked her "What Happened" and she said she was pretending like she was falling off her bed and had her comforter in her mouth. Then Ziva came in and tried taking one of her stuffed animals so she tried grabbing it from her and started slipping off her bed but her comforter stayed. So out popped her tooth. After looking in her mouth we saw that she also made the one next to it loose so that was going to come out within a week. Now the funny thing was that the next morning she keep crying because her mouth hurt and she couldn't eat anything so I told her to stay home from school and take it easy. She didn't want that. She wanted to go to school to show her teacher. So she went to school. And stayed the whole day.

This was her on Tuesday night after she lost her first tooth.

On Saturday she was eating some chocolate rock candies and out came the other tooth.

James told her that she is starting to become accident pron since she has had 2 accident's in less than a month and that is "Unacceptable"

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