Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sick Kids!

There is nothing worse then sick kids...
(I know there is worse things but...)
I hate when my kids don't feel good.

Gar has been sick for 5 days and when you think he is starting to feel better, it hits him again. He has been laying around most of the week and if you know Garrett that is NOT like him. He is always going. He loves playing with legos, the WII or playing Basketball outside. Hopefully he will be back to his normal self soon because he is getting really bored not being able to do anything.

Katelyn has been sick for 3 days now and when I actually took this picture today she had a fever. (She hides it well, doesn't she?) She is funny though. She loves school so much and cried and cried on Tuesday morning because she couldn't go to school because of a fever. Hopefully she will be able to go back tomorrow and enjoy 1 more day of school before the weekend.

1 comment:

Susie said...

She sure looks happy. You can always see it in their eyes though. At least with mine. She looks like she has sick eyes. :( Hope they are feeling better.