Saturday, July 23, 2011


We took the kids fishing one evening at a little pond in Herriman. Garrett had the perfect spot in mind and so when we got there he got all ready to fish. He is an impatient fisherman. If he doesn't catch something in a few minutes he will reel in his line and cast again. (But really... who's not like that?)

Here is a picture of his "Prize Winner" It might not be very big but it was the biggest caught out of the 2 kids.

The funniest thing was he decided he wanted to change spots so he reeled in his line and was getting ready to move and he slipped in the water. It came up to his chest and he yells "MOM" and I look over and went to help him out. The look on his face was "Priceless" but I put my camera down to help him out of the water. I wish I would of snapped a picture then helped him out. I know... I know... Mean Mom.

My little princess loves to fish. She was even touching the worms. (yuck!) She was casting her line out and waiting a few but then her and daddy noticed that their were a whole bunch of little fish right along the side of the pond. So she reeled in her line and fished from the side. She ended up catching 9 little fish.

I love this picture of her and daddy fishing. They were both having so much fun.

Then there is poor Grandpa Ed. He keep casting his line into the trees.

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