Monday, November 17, 2008

Our Family Pictures

Here are the newest pictures. I think they turned out pretty good. Garrett and Katelyn look so big. It is amazing how quick time is flying by.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Here are the two silly kids on Halloween. Garrett was Obi One and Katelyn was a little Angel. They had so much fun going out to trick or treat. Katelyn was having a blast running up to the houses as fast as she could and saying treat or treat and getting a candy then saying Thank you and running to the next house. Garrett on the other hand was being shy. He would walk slowly up to the doors and wouldn't say trick or treat. We were only out for about 1 hour then came home and watched a movie and handed out candy.

The Pumpkin Patch

So we went to the pumpkin patch for something to do and here are a couple pictures of the kids. They love that everywhere we go I will usually take my camera and make them take a few pictures together. Just look at the expressions on their cute little faces. Can't you tell they love pictures!Now sitting on the pumpkins and looking pretty studly was fun.
And what about little Miss Cutie Pie.
Once he got a hold of his pumpkin, he carried it all the way to the car.
And Katelyn's was just the right size. She said it was the perfect pumpkin.
We had such a fun and fast time at the pumpkin patch this year.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So this is Marley. My brother Adam and his wife Cassie just got a new little puppy. The other day Adam brought the dog over for Garrett and Katelyn to see and of course they love him. Garrett, Katelyn and James really wants a dog. James keeps looking on KSL to see if he can find one, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to have one yet. But I know someday I will have to give in.

Garrett said he would like a Golden Retriever and Katelyn wants a pink poodle. So more than likely we will get a Goldendoodle. That way they will both get their dogs. But we will get a girl dog so then we can put some pink bows on her ears and that will be the pink goldendoodle.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Go Utes

So we went to the Utah football game on Saturday and of course they won... Katelyn was suppose to perform in there halftime show but she chickened out. So here are some fun pictures from the game.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Katelyn was doing Yoga on the WII Fit the other day. It was really cute to see her trying to get her legs into the right positions.

We just love the WII we all play it all the time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

At The Zoo

We went to the Zoo last Friday with Amy and the boys. We didn't see all the animals this time because we went to see the bird show instead. It was so neat to see all the cool birds. Garrett and Nate.
Garrett, Anthony, Katelyn and Nate.
Cute Mr. Christopher
Cutie Pie Katelyn.

Pony Rides

We can't forget the pony rides.

Gardner Village

Here are some pictures we got with Afton and Erin. We thought it would be cute to get some pictures of the kids eating lollipops.

They loved the lollipops.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Gardner Village

It's always so much fun when we are trying to take pictures.... Sometimes you can get some really cute pictures and other times all you get are funny ones. So these are a couple of the pictures that I got.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feeding the Geese

So the other day it rained and so it filled up the park with water and there were so many geese hanging out. So we went to feed the geese. Katelyn loved getting so close to them.
We went to feed the geese with our friends Shelly and Sarah. Sarah is 2 1/2 years old and is Katelyn's best friend. She wants to play with Sarah all the time.
Garrett was trying to throw his bread as far as he could and I don't know if you can see but his pieces of bread were NOT small. (The bread is in the bottom picture)
They had alot of fun feeding the geese. Katelyn told me after all the bread was gone to hurry and run to the store to buy more. But we didn't.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mirror Lake

We usually go up to Mirror Lake once a year and just walk around the lake then come back home. It's kind of a long drive but it is fun. Usually we get there and it never fails that here comes the dark clouds. It didn't rain on us this year but we were prepared with jackets this time. Last year when we went up there, it was raining and cold and we didn't have jackets for the kids so Granny (James' mom) had to cut up a blanket and make ponchos. But these are a couple of pictures that I got of the kids.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Twirly Skirt

So I made this cute skirt for Katelyn. My friend Jenn told me about them so I made one and it was pretty easy and turned out pretty cute.