Sunday, October 19, 2008

Go Utes

So we went to the Utah football game on Saturday and of course they won... Katelyn was suppose to perform in there halftime show but she chickened out. So here are some fun pictures from the game.


Melanie said...

Hey that looks like it was a fun game. Personally I am a little nervous for the match-up between Utah and BYU. Did you hear how bad they sucked it up on Thurs. I am ashamed to even wear my new hat. OUCH. Great pics by the way. It is about time what has got you so busy?

The Loves said...

I love Katelyn's outfit! There is little girl that sits by us at everygame that wears the cheerleader costume and I always wish a had a girl to wear it! Where are the cornbelly pics?? I need to post some!!!