Thursday, October 23, 2008


So this is Marley. My brother Adam and his wife Cassie just got a new little puppy. The other day Adam brought the dog over for Garrett and Katelyn to see and of course they love him. Garrett, Katelyn and James really wants a dog. James keeps looking on KSL to see if he can find one, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to have one yet. But I know someday I will have to give in.

Garrett said he would like a Golden Retriever and Katelyn wants a pink poodle. So more than likely we will get a Goldendoodle. That way they will both get their dogs. But we will get a girl dog so then we can put some pink bows on her ears and that will be the pink goldendoodle.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Go Utes

So we went to the Utah football game on Saturday and of course they won... Katelyn was suppose to perform in there halftime show but she chickened out. So here are some fun pictures from the game.