Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bigg's got her ears pierced!

Well last week Katelyn wanted to get her ears pierced. So we went to the mall to go get them done. She chose the pink flowers. Then she sat in the chair and was so big and brave. There was a stuffed animal sitting in the chair and she asked if she could hold it while she got the piercings. I told her that is what it's there for. So she held onto the bear and the girl marked her ears and then she pierced them one at a time. After the first ear Katelyn starting crying and I asked her if she was okay and she said "Yes but that hurt." I told her it would only hurt for a minute and she leaned her head on my arm and let the girl pierce the other side. (I thought for sure we would of had a hard time doing the second ear but we didn't.) Then I told her that if she pierced her ears I would do mine. So I had to get mine done too. I had them done years ago and I let them close. So I got them redone. And if you are all wondering... I was brave too. But Katelyn loves her earrings and she looks so cute.

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