Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Day at the Zoo!

Yesterday we went to the Zoo with my sister Amy and her cute boys. This was the first time we have been this summer and it was the best time to go. We got there right after they opened so there weren't very many people there and it wasn't to hot. Here are some pictures of what we saw.

First we have my cute kids...

Then cute Nate.

Then cute Christopher.

Then cute baby Acara. This is our favorite animal at the zoo. She is so cute and it is fun watching her play outside and swing on the ropes.

This was an interesting bird. We had to go watch the bird show and they brought this bird out. I can't remember what kind of bird he said it was but the said this is the only bird like this in the United States and Hogle Zoo got it.

I let Garrett put $5.00 in their donation box today so they got to get their picture taken with the Bald Eagle. This is Garrett's favorite bird.

Then we saw the new babies at the zoo.

The baby giraffe was cute.

The tiger cubs were cute and wild. They would either follow the mommy tiger around or they would hide in their little hut.

We had a great time at the zoo today. It was fun seeing all the new baby animals.

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