Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Crazy Hair Day!

At school on Friday was crazy hair day. So Garrett and Katelyn wanted crazy hair. Garrett did his own hair and I allowed him to go to school this way just because it was crazy hair day. He spiked half of his hair and then slicked down the other side. I know I am a mean mom but I don't want him to look at pictures later in life and be mad at me because I let him go to school like that.

So with Katelyn's hair we put a plastic cup inside her pony tail. It looked so cute and she liked it until we got to school. Then she started to get shy and wanted me to take it out. But I told her to lets walk over to her class to see if any other girls had crazy hair. And they did. So she left the cup in her hair until after school. It looked really cute. We love crazy hair day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

So Cute!

Katelyn is so cute. She likes to call James when he is at work. So she calls his cell phone and if she gets his voicemail this is the message she leaves...

Hi Daddy, This is Biggs from the K family. I just wanted to call and talk to you so call me back. Okay. This is Bigg's from the K family. In Utah. Call me. Thank you.

It is the cutest thing ever. She talks in this little sweet voice. You hear her talking and think... How cute!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stewart Falls Hike!

On Saturday we went for a hike up to Stewart Falls. It was suppose to be an easy hike, but I thought I was going to die. That is the great thing about having asthma, the easy hikes almost kill me. My lungs were on fire. James, Garrett and Katelyn did so good and of course Garrett wanted to be in front. It was a 2 mile hike each way and so when we made it to the falls Garrett and Katelyn had fun playing in the water and with the rocks. We stayed for about 20 minutes then started our hike back. We probably had about 1/2 mile left when Katelyn started complaining about her legs being tired and wanted me to carry her. When we got back to the car we were so dirty. Our shoes and legs were black from the dirt. But we had a great time. And the falls were really pretty.

Ball Game

We went to be Bee's game on Sunday Sept. 6th. We wanted to get to a game before the end of the season and it was the perfect day. It wasn't very hot outside and we were sitting on the first base line so we were in the shade. It was great. Garrett and Katelyn we constantly looking for the bee. So he came right over by where we were sitting so we hurried over to him to get a picture.

The kids wanted to go to the gift shop to get a baseball and a hand, then they got to get the bee sign their stuff.

We had such a fun time and the game and Katelyn actually seemed to enjoy it too. Can't wait to do it again next year.