Thursday, May 19, 2011

Katelyn's room

This year for the kids' Birthday's we were going to repaint their rooms. So I did Garrett's back in January now it was Katelyn's turn. I looked around for a while to find a fun comforter for her room. I found this cute striped one at Walmart and I thought that would be a fun one because of all the bright colors. When we were thinking about wall color we didn't want to go with a light pink because then it would look like a Pepto Bismal room. So I wanted to go with the darker pink. I went to paint store after paint store and I couldn't find a color close. A couple places tried to match the color and couldn't so I finally tried Sherwin Williams and they had a HGTV color that was close. So I bought a sample of it and came home and painted it on a piece of paper and taped it to her wall. I asked James what he thought and he said "Do whatever you want" so I did... When I first started painting it just laughed because it was such a dramatic change from the light green. But after a few days, I really like it. I like the brightness and Katelyn likes it too.

I just need to print some vinyl and put it on her bare wall...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Here are a few things I have been working on lately. I have to say I like doing this stuff. I re-finished this nightstand for Katelyn's room. I decided to paint it Turquoise and then I was going to antique it but when I sanded it and saw the white coming through I liked that better. It's hard to see it in the pictures but I think it turned out really cute.

She has been wanting a jewelry box for a while now since she has her ear's pierced and has quite a few earrings. I found this jewelry box at Hobby Lobby on clearance because it had a few nicks and dings in it so I thought it would be perfect I will just re-paint it. So I did and it looks kind of cute. I think it would of been better if I would of spray painted it but I painted it will acrylic paint so you can see some brush stokes. But it still looks okay.

We bought these end tables a while ago at Lowes on clearance. So I finally decided to paint it. (I still have 3 more to do). I used a black satin paint but a semi gloss clear coat. It seems a little to shiny right now but I thought it would be easier to clean up. I could decide if I wanted to antique it and put a glaze over it. So I left it all black. Maybe I will try something different with one of the other ones we have.


So this year I thought it would be fun to hide the kid's Easter baskets. So I made up a little scavenger hunt to find their baskets. They were so excited in the morning to get up and I told them there was nothing out in the living room for them. Of course they didn't believe me and when they walked out they were shocked to see no baskets. I left a message taped to the TV so when they read it and realized it was a scavenger hunt they were excited.