Thursday, May 19, 2011

Katelyn's room

This year for the kids' Birthday's we were going to repaint their rooms. So I did Garrett's back in January now it was Katelyn's turn. I looked around for a while to find a fun comforter for her room. I found this cute striped one at Walmart and I thought that would be a fun one because of all the bright colors. When we were thinking about wall color we didn't want to go with a light pink because then it would look like a Pepto Bismal room. So I wanted to go with the darker pink. I went to paint store after paint store and I couldn't find a color close. A couple places tried to match the color and couldn't so I finally tried Sherwin Williams and they had a HGTV color that was close. So I bought a sample of it and came home and painted it on a piece of paper and taped it to her wall. I asked James what he thought and he said "Do whatever you want" so I did... When I first started painting it just laughed because it was such a dramatic change from the light green. But after a few days, I really like it. I like the brightness and Katelyn likes it too.

I just need to print some vinyl and put it on her bare wall...


Melanie said...

SUPER CUTE! What a fun color. :)

tara said...

this seriously looks SO AWESOME. wish we lived closer so we could get our paintin' on together!