Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I know you all will be jealous!!!

Check out what I got for Christmas...
Are you all jealous?

James' cousins gave it to me as a joke.
So I told them if that's how they want to play
Wait until next year!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

MeRrY ChRiStMaS!

We hope everyone has a very
Merry Christmas
and a happy and healthy
New Year!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Crazy Snow!

We woke up this morning to 12 1/2 inches of snow on our driveway and 14 3/4 inches on our grass. The weather man said the storm was coming and they weren't kidding. James was out there for over 2 hours clearing off the snow.
This is the fun I get to put up with all winter. Ziva goes outside and plays in the snow then comes inside and it won't come off her fur. So all morning we had little snowballs all over the house. It was a long day. Hopefully we won't have to much snow in the valley this winter.

I loved how bright the blue was in the sky this morning. But way to much snow.

Katelyn's first teeth she lost!

At nights when we put our kids to bed they like playing around and calling us into their rooms 10 times before they fall asleep. The other night, Katelyn said "Mom come here" and I told her "just a minute" because I was busy doing stuff and she yells "I lost a tooth" I went into her room surprised because I knew she didn't have a loose tooth. There she was holding her tooth in her hand. I told her to go into the bathroom and spit because her mouth was full of blood and she did, saw the blood and freaked out. After her mouth stopped bleeding I asked her "What Happened" and she said she was pretending like she was falling off her bed and had her comforter in her mouth. Then Ziva came in and tried taking one of her stuffed animals so she tried grabbing it from her and started slipping off her bed but her comforter stayed. So out popped her tooth. After looking in her mouth we saw that she also made the one next to it loose so that was going to come out within a week. Now the funny thing was that the next morning she keep crying because her mouth hurt and she couldn't eat anything so I told her to stay home from school and take it easy. She didn't want that. She wanted to go to school to show her teacher. So she went to school. And stayed the whole day.

This was her on Tuesday night after she lost her first tooth.

On Saturday she was eating some chocolate rock candies and out came the other tooth.

James told her that she is starting to become accident pron since she has had 2 accident's in less than a month and that is "Unacceptable"

Monday, November 15, 2010

I love my Nephew but...

I love my nephew Preston but I'm so glad we are over the toddler stage. But I have to admit, he had a great time pulling everything out of the drawers.

Now don't get me wrong my kids still make HUGE messes. (Just look at my basement)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Garrett's school program!

Garrett's 3rd grade class did a Veterans Program. They sang songs, had a flag parade and honored our Veterans. Garrett got to wear a jacket that his Great Grandpa Jim wore during World War 2. It was big and hot but he enjoyed wearing it especially because not all kids were wearing some kind of veteran clothing. He did a great job and it was alot of fun watching him during his program.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A bucket of balls... or 4

We took Garrett and Katelyn out to hit a bucket of balls. They loved it except it was so windy. They both did great and can't wait to do it again next Spring.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dang Dog!

Don't you just HATE it when you make something so yummy like this and
then the DANG DOG get's a hold of it...

But really... It's HARD to resist.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Our trip to the ER!

This morning I was crimping Katelyn's hair because she was going to be a "Rock star" for Halloween. She had a little bloody nose that she was dealing with and on the last piece of hair she told me she thought she was going to throw up and all of a sudden she passed out and fell hitting her head on my toilet. Needless to say... I freaked! I was trying to pick her up and she was really lethargic and I took her over to my bed and was screaming for Garrett to bring me the phone. I called James crying hysterically telling him something was wrong with Katelyn. He left work immediately and came home. Meanwhile, she said she was going to throw up again so we went back into the bathroom where I noticed there was blood all over the back of her costume and all over my hands. But I couldn't see where she was bleeding at. She just had a little blood round her nose from her bloody nose so I had Garrett call my neighbor where she came over to help me because I didn't know what to do. We looked through Katelyn's hair but still saw nothing. So when James go here we were off to the Emergency Room. There was no one there so they got us right back. When the doctor came in he was looking her over and I told him what happened. I told him she had blood on the back of her costume and I had it all over my hands but I couldn't find anything. He looked at the back of her head to see where she hit the toilet and there it was. A little split on the back of her head. That is where the blood came from. They put some numbing gel on her head and then put a staple in it. Now we have to go back in a week to have it removed. She was a great sport but I feel really bad this happened.

But after we left the Hospital she keep asking when she could go to school. So I went home and got ready and off to school we went. She was able to frost cookies, go to lunch (not to recess, I made her stay inside) and then they had a little carnival. I ended up staying at school for 2 1/2 hours to make sure she was okay because she keep feeling weak at times. But she is doing much better now. Now we will see how the night goes... I'm thinking it will be a long one because when she rolls onto her back I'm sure she will be waking up.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ice Skating!

When the kids are off track we try to do a couple fun things while they are home. One day we went to the Sweets Candy Company and did a tour of their candy factory. I will have to say the Chocolate room is definitely my favorite spot through the whole tour. The smell of milk chocolate... Mmmm

Monday we took the kids Ice Skating. We went with Granny, Susie, Afton and Erin. And we were the only ones there the whole time so we had the rink to ourselves. I would have to say I like it that way. But Garrett had a hard time. He fell a couple times and hit the same side of his face twice. So now he has a couple bruises on his face. But don't think that will stop him from wanting to go again. He is a boy and boys are tough...

Drive through the Alpine Loop!

I just love driving in the mountains when the leaves are changing. It is so pretty. We drove the Alpine Loop a couple weeks ago because it was such a beautiful day. As we were going through the mountains, EVERYONE had the same idea. I have never seen the loop so busy and I hate that the road is so narrow to begin with but when cars are trying squeeze by I get nervous.
Here are my cute kids and the pup.

Then he comes Mr. Grumpy!

I love the expressions Katelyn pulls when I try to take her picture. Here is her "Granny" smile.

At least G smiled in this one.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fishing at The Cove!

Granny and Grandpa Ed took the kids fishing last Friday to a little lake in Herriman. We meet them up there after James got off of work. It was a fun little place and there wasn't very many people. The thing I don't like is how the sun is going down earlier. By 7:00 it was dark. They had a couple lights but not enough to see anything. So it was short and quick.

Katelyn loved feeding the ducks.

Garrett loves going fishing. He just doesn't have the patience for it. He will cast his line out and then a couple minutes later he is reeling it back in. (But I think we all did that at his age) He caught a fish but I didn't get a picture because I left to go get dinner. But Good Job Buddy for catching a fish.

Here is my handsome guy fishing. He loves fishing too. We just need to make time to go more often.

Another "Granny" smile shot. We love you Granny!

If you look real close by Katelyn's face you can see the BIG fish Grandpa Ed caught.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Field Trip!

I went with Garrett and his class to Red Butte Gardens for their field trip. It was a lot of fun because it was my first time there. The gardens were beautiful and the weather was great. The volunteer took us on a 2 mile walk up behind the gardens. It was fun but she was sure an interesting person. I love being able to go on field trips with my kids and being a volunteer at school. I also really like his teacher this year.
This is Garrett very interested in what the volunteer is talking about. She was talking about snakes living in the rock wall next to where we were standing.

Here is Garrett losing interest... She was showing us bat houses. That is Garrett's great teacher in the corner of this picture.

Here was the group who I was in charge of watching. We had a great time.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fun times!

I know it has been a long time since I posted anything. And I would like to say that it is because I have been super busy, but that's really not the case. I just haven't been in the mood to post stuff. Here are just a couple of pictures I have taken lately. She is usually a smiley girl when it comes to taking a picture.

Check out the Tough Guy! Wow! He is strong!

Fishing up at Tibble Fort up American Fork Canyon.

Mr. Fisherman!

They both wanted to sleep in eachothers rooms for a couple nights but both times they ended up going back to their own rooms during the night.

Monday, July 26, 2010

First day of School

The kids started school at a new school this year. Garrett was up at 6:30 dressed and ready to go. He was so excited but really nervous at the same time. James took the day off so he could go with us to school since he has never done that before and Garrett really liked that his dad was there with him. We thought we would be able to walk him into his classroom but they had to line up outside and then the teachers told them to turn around and say goodbye. But he went into school and did awesome. When we went to pick Garrett up after school he came outside and we asked him how is day was and he said it was GREAT!
(We are off to a great start.)

Katelyn didn't start until Tuesday but Monday we had a meeting with her teacher and she was able to see her classroom and went on a tour of the school with her teacher.
Tuesday she was up a ready for school. She stood in line and walked right into school. I actually was a little sad when she was walking away. Not because she was starting first grade but because she is my baby. And my baby is now gone all day. But she loves school and has had a great time.

I like both of their teachers. They both seem like they are really fun and outgoing. I'm looking forward to a great year. (We need one since our school last year wasn't that great.)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Granny's birthday present!

Granny sent me and Susie an email back in March saying she wanted us to make her new placemats and a table runner for her Birthday. So we didn't say anything else about them. We went out and found material around the end of May and got started. We made 10 placemats (1 for each person) a table runner and I made her an apron.

We put everyones handprint on the back of their placemat with their names on it. (This one is Garrett's)

The boy's placemats had a green border.

The girl's placemats had a red border.

Granny was so excited when she opened these. I think they turned out pretty good. Alot of work. But it was worth it.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Garrett and Katelyn received their Distinguished Cub Awards this year at school. They worked really hard to get these and we are really proud of them. A couple of weeks before the got their awards, Garrett's teacher called me and said that she asked Garrett if he wanted his award and he said "NO" so she didn't want to give him this award unless he wanted it (even though he earned it). Anyways, she wanted us to talk to him at home and if he wanted this award he had to go into class and tell her he wanted it. (She was a strange lady) I told her he didn't want it because she gave him an option. I told her "What 2nd grader wants to get up in front of the school and parents to receive an award?" But he got his award and He did great.
Katelyn got her award in the afternoon. There was only 2 afternoon Kindergarten classes so after they got their awards that took about 10 minutes their teacher said they wanted to let the kids sing songs to us what they have learned during the year because they had us all there. We listened to them sing for about 30 minutes. It was cute watching our little girl.