Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Garrett turned 8!

I can't believe my baby boy is already 8 years old. The time has flown by so fast. He is such a great kid with a great personality. It has been so much fun watching him grow and seeing what kind of a person he is going to grow up to be. I love every thing about him. He is such a great joy in my life and I'm so glad he is in it. I love you Garrett.

This year he had 2 parties. He had a party on Friday with some friends from school. We went to Jumpin Jacks and had a great time playing, had cupcakes and ice cream and he got lots of great gifts. Then on Sunday night we had a family party. He got lots of great gifts too. Here is one of his favorite gifts. Granny and Grandpa gave him Geico money. It all started one day when he was with Granny and Grandpa and they were drawing pictures and then the other person had to guess what they drew. Garrett drew Geico money and thought it was so funny. So it has kind of been there joke ever sense.

Then we found this Utah Utes jacket for him. He love the Utes. They are our favorite team.

This wasn't a picture of Garrett loving that he got a gift card. My brother Chad always loves playing tricks on the kids. On Christmas Chad asked Garrett what he wanted for his Birthday so Garrett told him he wanted a gift card with $100 on it. So Chad had this gift card. It was a card with $100 value written on it. Of course the card was empty but he gave it to Garrett. So when Garrett saw the card he was so excited because he thought he got a $100 gift card. When Chad told him that there was nothing on it Garrett got pretty upset. This was probably the meanest trick Chad has played on Garrett. But Garrett was still a good sport and smiled but it made him sad.

Garrett wanted a Utah Utes party this year. So here is his cake that I made. He saw me making the cake before he went to be on Saturday but he didn't know that I wrote Utah Utes on it. So when he saw it on Sunday he said it was the coolest cake ever. I felt good knowing that he was happy with his cake.

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