Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Award Winning Treats!

So this year for James' work party they were having a dessert contest. It was bring your favorite desserts and the winner will get a $200 gift card. So my thought was... Bring it on! James came home one day and said that a couple guys at work said that their wife's were going to win. So all of a sudden my competitive side came out. So here are the yummy things I made.
I made Chocolate covered Cheesecake bites, Peppermint Oreo Balls, Peppermint Sugar Cookies, and the Award winning dessert was Raspberry Chocolate Truffles in a White Chocolate Cup.
So yes, I won the contest. All I can say was I was in my kitchen for 3 days straight. But around Christmas time, that is normal! I love baking treats and I'm always thinking about what else I can make or what I can add to something to make it better.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Congratulations!!!!! I knew you could do it. Way to go. :D