Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The past couple months...

I know I have been a slacker but I have had alot to do. So here is a update on things that happened the last couple months.

My brother Adam and his wife Cassie went to Hawaii for Christmas. I told Adam to bring me back some Chocolate Macadamia Nuts and he did. But he didn't just bring me 1 box he brought 2. What a good brother. He also brought James back some Kona coffee. He loves that coffee.

Next is Christmas Day. Okay so my pictures were awful this year. They were so dark that I stopped taking pictures and I was going to take more once my kids finished opening their gifts. But by then, I forgot. So no pictures this year.

Back when I was little my mom always tried to do fun things with our Christmas presents. There were 5 kids and so one year she would write all the reindeer names on the gifts so we didn't know who's presents were who's. One year I remember that she wrote our names on the presents and that year my name had the biggest present. (Amy said it was the blinds I wanted for my room but I don't remember that) Anyways, Christmas morning my mom said "Okay go get one of your presents and hold on to it, But don't open it" so of course I went and got my big present. Then she said okay Chad you give your present to Amy, Jaime you give your present to Chad and so on. I was so mad because that wasn't my big present that was his. And it was his BB Gun. I don't remember much else about that but I remember my mom would always try to do fun things on Christmas.

So this year I decided to do different names on our presents. So on Christmas morning I pointed to a present that was for James I asked Garrett what it said and he said "Snow Daddy". So then I asked him who's present could that be. And he said Daddy. Then I asked him what another one said and he looked and said "Snow Angel". So I asked who's is that? He said Katelyn's. Then I showed him another and it said "Snow Man". He said that's his. So of course I said hold them and don't open them. Daddy gets to go first. After James opened his present I told Garrett give your present to Katelyn and Katelyn give your to Garrett.
He did not like the fact that he was "Snow Angel" But after opening his gifts he really didn't care.

Katelyn thought it was funny that she was "Snow Man". It was fun this year to do something different. I'm going to have to think of something else for next year.

Every year Grandpa Ed and Granny give the kids ornaments and us a family ornament. The kids have been getting them since they were born and so this year Granny got Grandpa Ed an ornament too. This is what Sadie (their dog) made. Granny said it took Sadie several times before the finally made the prefect one. (Sadie really didn't make it, she got it as a white elephant gift this year at a party.)

Here are some pictures we took at Gardner Village for our Christmas cards. They were very cute and loving that day. I just can't believe how fast they are growing up. My baby's aren't baby's anymore.

Here is a picture Uncle Adam took at Aunt Amy's house on Thanksgiving.

This is my advent calendar I made this year for this kids. They had alot of fun each day opening them to see what small treat was inside. I put in bubble gum, york peppermint patties, crunch bells, and peppermint kisses. They did not like the peppermint kisses and every time they got those they would get mad and say "We don't like these" and I was mean and didn't change them out the first time they told me that. But it's not like the didn't get a different treat. And then my JOY blocks. We love the word joy because it makes us remember Mimi. (James' grandma)

This was disgusting. When we were putting up our Christmas decorations I opened up my water globe and this is what it looked like. The water was dark brown and moldy on the bottom. I have never seen this happen before. And I don't understand how that could happen because it wasn't leaking anywhere. Go figure! I also had another water globe and that water was bright yellow. Weird stuff! So yes, if anyone is wondering I did throw them away. Sorry Michele!

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