Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Crazy October!

I can't believe how fast this month went by. Here is just some of the things that happened.

Garrett lost another tooth. After school one day he came to the car and had a little tooth necklace on and he said he lost his tooth. He said that he was playing Football at recess and he got tackled and out came his tooth.

Our Winter friend is back. For about the last 3 years we have this hawk in our backyard often. The sad thing is, is that we have about 5 different bird feeders in our yard and we usually have a lot of little birds in our yard eating and hanging out in our trees. And in the colder months the hawk will catch a bird and then it plucks out all the feathers and eats the poor bird right in our yard. Let me tell you, it is disgusting. There are feathers and blood spots everywhere. For as much as we enjoy feeding the birds, I don't like seeing the hawk eating one of them, but there is no way to stop him.

We had our Annual Halloween Party at Grandpa Dan's house. The kids have alot of fun. They played games, had a pinata (chuck full of candy) and decorated pumpkins. We had a great time.

Here is Katelyn and Garrett's pumpkins from Grandpa Dan's House.

Katelyn had a good time helping James rack up leaves in the back yard. She had a better time jumping in the leaves. I love Fall when they leaves fall off the trees. It sure keeps the kids entertained for a while.

Poor Garrett was sick that day and couldn't play in the leaves. The hard thing about the Fall is getting sick. But after a few days with a cold he was back to normal. So leaves... Here he comes.

Don't forget about our Utah Utes. We went to the game on October 24th and watched the Utes play Air Force. As you can see from the pictures the weather was crappy. It was cloudy, cold and rainy. And of course we didn't plan on the weather well. I left the blanket at home and we were just wearing jackets and vests. Garrett and I wore our hats, Katelyn had a hood on her jacket and James brought his poncho. So we stayed kind of dry. It was a fun game but next time we are leaving Katelyn home. We got to the game a little late because of the traffic and having to park then walk. Then we get to our seats and immediately Katelyn starts saying... I need to go potty... I need a drink... I need a treat... She just didn't want to sit and watch the game because it was boring. Then we had to leave the game early because it was James' Grandpa's birthday and we had to go meet his family for dinner. When we left the Utes were winning and as we were walking out of the stadium Air Force tied up the game. James was so upset that we couldn't stay and watch the rest of the game. But he listened to it on the radio and the Utes still won the game.

Here is the whole family having dinner at the Olive Garden. It was alot of fun and Grandpa Ed's sister Cheryl and her son Jeff were in town so we were able to get together with them too.
Happy 80th Birthday Great Grandpa.

We went to a fun Halloween party at our neighbor's house. We had dinner, played games and got to visit with friends. It was great. We did donuts on a string and it was so funny watching the kids try so hard to do it. Garrett did a great job.

It is hard to see but he has glaze all over his face from his donut.

Here is Katelyn trying so hard. She just keep laughing. She got a couple good bites and she sure had fun trying.

Here are my cute kids on Halloween. I went up to the University bookstore on day with my friend Jen and decided they should be a football player and cheerleader. So I bought their costumes and showed them when they got home from school. They were really excited because my kids are major Ute fans.

We had such a fun and crazy month... Just think how the next couple months are going to be...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Crazy Hair Day!

At school on Friday was crazy hair day. So Garrett and Katelyn wanted crazy hair. Garrett did his own hair and I allowed him to go to school this way just because it was crazy hair day. He spiked half of his hair and then slicked down the other side. I know I am a mean mom but I don't want him to look at pictures later in life and be mad at me because I let him go to school like that.

So with Katelyn's hair we put a plastic cup inside her pony tail. It looked so cute and she liked it until we got to school. Then she started to get shy and wanted me to take it out. But I told her to lets walk over to her class to see if any other girls had crazy hair. And they did. So she left the cup in her hair until after school. It looked really cute. We love crazy hair day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

So Cute!

Katelyn is so cute. She likes to call James when he is at work. So she calls his cell phone and if she gets his voicemail this is the message she leaves...

Hi Daddy, This is Biggs from the K family. I just wanted to call and talk to you so call me back. Okay. This is Bigg's from the K family. In Utah. Call me. Thank you.

It is the cutest thing ever. She talks in this little sweet voice. You hear her talking and think... How cute!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stewart Falls Hike!

On Saturday we went for a hike up to Stewart Falls. It was suppose to be an easy hike, but I thought I was going to die. That is the great thing about having asthma, the easy hikes almost kill me. My lungs were on fire. James, Garrett and Katelyn did so good and of course Garrett wanted to be in front. It was a 2 mile hike each way and so when we made it to the falls Garrett and Katelyn had fun playing in the water and with the rocks. We stayed for about 20 minutes then started our hike back. We probably had about 1/2 mile left when Katelyn started complaining about her legs being tired and wanted me to carry her. When we got back to the car we were so dirty. Our shoes and legs were black from the dirt. But we had a great time. And the falls were really pretty.

Ball Game

We went to be Bee's game on Sunday Sept. 6th. We wanted to get to a game before the end of the season and it was the perfect day. It wasn't very hot outside and we were sitting on the first base line so we were in the shade. It was great. Garrett and Katelyn we constantly looking for the bee. So he came right over by where we were sitting so we hurried over to him to get a picture.

The kids wanted to go to the gift shop to get a baseball and a hand, then they got to get the bee sign their stuff.

We had such a fun time and the game and Katelyn actually seemed to enjoy it too. Can't wait to do it again next year.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Okay. So I know I have been slacking lately. I keep looking at my friends blogs wondering why they are not updating their blogs sooner. I need something to read. Then I look at mine. I know I have things to blog about but I have been having a hard time finding the time to go downstairs to upload pictures. So I thought tonight would be a great night to do it. I had a little time. So here I am for now.

Ice Skating in the Summer?

Today we went ice skating with Susie, Afton and Erin. This was the first time that Garrett and Katelyn has ever been ice skating and I haven't been in years and years and years. Garrett did great because he said it was like rollerblading and Katelyn did awesome for not knowing how to skate. (She has some little training skates but she just walks in those.) So after a few times around the rink Garrett was trying to spin in circles and was trying to do stunts. Katelyn only liked skating with Aunt Susie because she could skate better then mommy. They had a wonderful time. Garrett of course wants to go back tomorrow but we will have to do it again soon.

A Day at the Zoo!

Yesterday we went to the Zoo with my sister Amy and her cute boys. This was the first time we have been this summer and it was the best time to go. We got there right after they opened so there weren't very many people there and it wasn't to hot. Here are some pictures of what we saw.

First we have my cute kids...

Then cute Nate.

Then cute Christopher.

Then cute baby Acara. This is our favorite animal at the zoo. She is so cute and it is fun watching her play outside and swing on the ropes.

This was an interesting bird. We had to go watch the bird show and they brought this bird out. I can't remember what kind of bird he said it was but the said this is the only bird like this in the United States and Hogle Zoo got it.

I let Garrett put $5.00 in their donation box today so they got to get their picture taken with the Bald Eagle. This is Garrett's favorite bird.

Then we saw the new babies at the zoo.

The baby giraffe was cute.

The tiger cubs were cute and wild. They would either follow the mommy tiger around or they would hide in their little hut.

We had a great time at the zoo today. It was fun seeing all the new baby animals.

Bigg's got her ears pierced!

Well last week Katelyn wanted to get her ears pierced. So we went to the mall to go get them done. She chose the pink flowers. Then she sat in the chair and was so big and brave. There was a stuffed animal sitting in the chair and she asked if she could hold it while she got the piercings. I told her that is what it's there for. So she held onto the bear and the girl marked her ears and then she pierced them one at a time. After the first ear Katelyn starting crying and I asked her if she was okay and she said "Yes but that hurt." I told her it would only hurt for a minute and she leaned her head on my arm and let the girl pierce the other side. (I thought for sure we would of had a hard time doing the second ear but we didn't.) Then I told her that if she pierced her ears I would do mine. So I had to get mine done too. I had them done years ago and I let them close. So I got them redone. And if you are all wondering... I was brave too. But Katelyn loves her earrings and she looks so cute.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Big Girl!

So my daughter has now got brave and let us take her training wheels off her bike. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to ride her bike but she took off and there was no looking back. After a few times to the neighbors house and back she started doing little tricks on her bike. She was lifting her legs up in the air, standing up and going so fast. Our little no fear girl is getting so big.

Friday, August 7, 2009

First Day of School!

So here we are another school year. Garrett is starting 2nd grade. Katelyn is starting Kindergarten. They are both really excited about school this year and hopefully we will have a great year with a lot of learning. We have already had a few problems with Garrett. He is just being a chatterbox in class and the teacher doesn't like that. Give him time, he will quite down. (At least for a minute or two.) Katelyn on the other hand loves school. Hopefully it stays that way and she doesn't get bored.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Just a little note!

I just love when I get a phone call from the school saying that "Your child has been naughty today."
That Garrett.... What am I going to do with him..... and it has only been 8 days since school started.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A day at the Museum

We went to the Museum of Natural History on Thursday with some of our friends. I was a little nervous about going because it is a museum and it's usually not my favorite thing to do. Then I thought that the kids wouldn't like it either. But I have to say it was pretty fun. We got there right before story time so we heard 3 stories about frogs, then we got to go over and watch the frogs be fed. The kids even got to help feed some of the frogs. Then we walked around and saw the other exhibits then they got to play in the sand to find fossils. Thanks Jen for the fun day. (This isn't the best picture because I forgot my camera and so I took this with my phone.)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Great Day!

We went to Mirror Lake today and went fishing. We went with Granny and Grandpa Ed and had a wonderful time. Here is my cute little guy wearing his cool sunglasses.

And miss cutie pie and the cutest smile I have ever seen.

Here is Garrett's first fish. He caught the biggest.

Here is Katelyn's second fish. She caught the first one minutes before this one but I didn't get a picture of it because Granny threw it back into the water to fast.

And don't forget about my handsome guy. He caught a couple fish too.

We had such a great time up there. It is always relaxing at the lake because you just get to sit back and enjoy the outdoors.